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System of Record

Utilizing the sample data file, the file being uploaded must contain the following headers with the bolded columns headers being the required fields. If a field is not marked as required, then that column can remain blank, but the header must still be within the file. Column header order does not have to be in the order listed below as long as the file contains all the headers : 

  • Employee First Name 
  • Employee Middle Name 
  • Employee Last Name 
  • Employee Email ID (required if used as a unique identifier) 
  • Employee ID 
  • Employee Type 
  • Employee Access Status 
  • Manager Email ID 
  • Group Owner 

Does it matter if after I sync my SOR application that I have unmatched credentials?

  • We at SecurEnds are not big fans of artificially adding People records (identities) into SecurEnds to simply allow unmatched credentials to move to matched.  If your other applications do not have any credentials associated with these unmatched SOR users, then they can stay unmatched in you SOR application.  Doesn’t hurt anything.
  • As you start bringing in more applications and if the applications start to have a lot of unmatched records. Visually inspect those applications credentials with the unmatched SOR users to see if they are associated with unmatched SOR users.  If yes, please inquire with your HR app owner to get those unmatched SOR users an accurate email addresses or update the HR system with their email address so the next sync carries so previously unmatched SOR users into the People data.

What happens if a record is skipped? 

  • Export the skipped records and refer to the “Error Description” column for an explanation on the skipped record 

What if the System of Record does not have an unrequired column such as “Employee Middle Name”? 

  • Include the header within your file but leave the column blank 

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