- Added DocuSign Connector
Pulls users and entitlements (groups, permission profiles, signing groups)

- Added NetSuite Connector
Pulls users and roles

- Added matched, unmatched and Service Account counts on Campaign Details page for each application.

- Send Email when reviews are delegated at the campaign level.
The Email is sent to the delegatee and the original reviewer is cc’d.
Click the “Delegate Campaign” button at the top right.

Email is sent when delegatee is entered.

- Added the ability to view user SOR details on all campaign reviews.
On the Reviews page, click on the information icon to see SOR details:

On the Review All page, click on the information icon to see SOR details:

Access Request
- Only display applications for request when the user is associated with a group. When a user is not associated with a group, no applications will be available for request.

User Report
- Added application status and date of last sync to report.

- We now support ticketing via TeamDynamix.