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Version 2.335 (09/28/2021)

Campaign Review – Add SOR Status Column to Review All Screen

  • SOR status for each user credential is displayed on Review All screen.

Active Directory SOR Email Aliases

  • During SOR import, alias emails are stored and mapped to default emails when users are created with default emails.  Alias emails will be searched during the matching process for applications. Email Alias configuration currently only in scope for Active Directory.

SOR Improvements – Ability to Delete a User from the People Tab

  • Added the ability to delete a single user that is not part of an existing campaign. 

Copy Existing Campaign Templates

  • Added the ability to copy an existing campaign template and save it under a new template name.  Entitlements will be inherited from the parent but may be included or excluded in the new template.

Access Request – Approval Delegation

  • Added the ability to delegate approvals of access requests.  Delegations may be added prior to or after a request has been made.

Cancelled Access Request – Capture Who Requested Cancellation and Date/Time at Request Level in All Request Screen for Audit trail

  • When an access request is cancelled, the All Request page will display who cancelled the request, date. and time of cancellation.

Locked Account

  • Changed the wording on the login page after too many failed login attempts.

Business Justification Field

  • Added a configuration to include a business justification text field when approving/revoking on the Reviews page and Review All page. This new field provides Justification for approvals that is edited and saved between campaigns by the reviewer.

Campaign Deprovision Option – Azure AD

  • Added the ability to deprovision access in Azure AD when access is revoked in a review.

Bug Fixes

  • Bugs were resolved

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