Eliminate Cross Application SOD violations
Implement clear and configurable SoD rules tailored to your business processes. Regularly review and update these policies to ensure they align with your organizational needs.
Utilize automated tools that conduct cross-application SoD checks. SecurEnds provides real-time monitoring and reporting to identify and address policy violations efficiently.
Deploy a comprehensive SoD module that includes configurable queries, continuous compliance checks, and detailed reporting. SecurEnds ensures robust controls to safeguard data and manage access rights effectively.
SecurEnds integrates with various systems to perform cross-application SoD checks, providing a holistic view of entitlement risks across your IT ecosystem.
Address critical SoD risks in applications with complex entitlements. SecurEnds helps prevent compliance issues and audit findings through its advanced SoD capabilities.
Critical Applications with Complex Birthright Entitlements Pose SoD Risks
Critical applications that involve intricate birthright entitlements can introduce significant Segregation of Duties (SoD) risks, potentially resulting in compliance breaches and adverse audit findings. These complex entitlements often create scenarios where users may have excessive or conflicting access rights, increasing the likelihood of unauthorized activities or fraud. Properly managing and mitigating these risks is essential to maintaining compliance with regulations such as SOX, FISMA, and HIPAA.
By leveraging SecurEnds’ advanced SoD capabilities, organizations can effectively manage critical application entitlements, reduce compliance risks, and avoid adverse audit findings.
Segregation of Duties In SecurEnds
Whether it’s an internal or external audit, SecurEnds software allows administrators to generate reports to provide specific information about Segregation of Duties within the company.
Set Up SoD Query.
Using natural language, administrators can set up SoD query. Here’s a configuration set up for Oracle ERP. In this particular case SoD violation between Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable is being checked.

User Access Review:
Once administrator has created the SoD, a review of the said policy violations is undertaken. Default roles in enterprise applications present inherent risks because the “birthright” role configurations are not well-designed to prevent segregation of duty violations. Here’s a sample view of how user access reviews for SoD will look like.

SoD Report:
SecurEnds produces call to action SoD scorecard. The scorecard provides the “big-picture” on “big-data” view for system admins and application owners for remediation planning. This report will list users who are known to be in violation but have documented exceptions, and it provides important evidence for you to give to your auditor. The final step is to create corrective actions to remediate the SoD violations.

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