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Version 2.342 (01/08/2022)

Entitlement Custodian

  • Added in the ability to bulk view and edit Entitlement Custodians for an application. A new column titled “Entitlement Custodian” has been added to the CSV export for updating Entitlements Custodians for an application. A valid email can be entered in the column to assign the proper Entitlement Custodian in bulk.

Campaign Owner

  • Added in new Campaign Owner functionality to all newly created campaigns. This is an optional feature to assign an owner of a campaign. This new assignment gives the users selected Admin level permissions to the campaign to review assigned reviewers and make updates.


  • Added the ability to not create an email or ticket if a campaign is marked as 100% approved.

Email Audit

  • Added the ability to export a CSV file from the data shown on the Email Audit Screen.

Campaign Template

  • Row counts no longer reset when clicking to view or select entitlements and closing out the window.


  • Added in SOR Status information to the export CSV for Application credentials.


  • Made process improvements to Azure Active Directory connector.
  • Made process improvements to Google Drive connector.
  • Made process improvements to Slack connector.
  • Made process improvements to GitLab connector.
  • Made process improvements to the O365 connector.
  • Made process improvements to the Salesforce connector.
  • Made process improvements to the Oracle Data Base flex connector.
  • Made process improvements to the SFTP/FTP flex connector.
  • Updated issues with syncing multiple connectors at the same time resulting in errored out syncs.

System of Record

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate headers would be created in the People Tab when a System of Record connector is synced.


  • Updated tool tips for the Configuration Page under the Administration tab.

Special Characters

  • Added the ability handle the following character types within the name fields of Application Name, SOR Name, Campaign Template, and Campaign Name. The only allowed characters are:
    • Alphabets a-z A-Z
    • Numbers 0-9
    • Underscore _
    • Hyphen
    • Parentheses ( )

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